Tag Archives: Ben DeBerry

Sac City Council: Post Clark Shooting

Following the shooting by local police officers of Stephon Clark, the Sacramento City Council has taken action.  One possibility currently being debated is the prohibition against entrance of “abusive/threatening” protestors in all council meetings. Tension has risen since the shooting and activists have had to be accompanied out of meetings.

Quite simply, Councilman Steve Hansen said to one such activist: “Because you broke our laws we are asking you to leave.”  Some speakers have claimed that what has transpired in these meetings is not only “unfair,” but actually even illegal.

The establishment of Black Lives Matter occurred five years ago.  A “cease and desist” order was submitted to the council by Ben DeBerry for Brown Act violations protecting the public’s right to participate in council meetings.  On March 22, a protest was held at Evergreen State College and further events have been planned on the matter of inclusion and the problem of racism on campus as a response to the cancellation of this year’s “Day of Absence.”