Tag Archives: Roger Gaylord

Formidable Folsom!

Folsom is becoming known these days as one of Sacramento County’s most attractive communities to make home.  Thanks to Intel Corp a rather noteworthy site appeared in the sky via drones which then disappeared quickly thereafter.

Folsom has gone from old stone prison noteworthy to super cool tech noteworthy and residents were awe-struck by what some described as looking like a TV in the sky!  This “scene” was part of a practice that Intel Corp. often engages in Folsom.  As well, they featured in Sochi’s Winter Olympics and the 2018 Coachella Music Festival.

According to Roger Gaylord, a member of the Folsom Council:

 “I think it adds a certain level of innovation within the Sacramento Region. Intel is a great example of pushing the bar and pushing the limit on something that’s just out-of-the-box thinking.”